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English I Honors

 Welcome to your English I Honors webpage.  You will find an overview of the class as well as important class documents that you will want to use/refernce.  


Google Classroom

Please make sure that you join your period's google class!!! You can do that by signing into your HUSD email account.  You will go to the Classroom app which is located on your dashboard.  If the app is not there you can find it by googling "google classroom".  If you are not signed into your email you will need to do so at this time.  Once logged on you will click the plus sign that reads "join a class".  Find the class code for your period below! Extra Credit if you join before school starts!!


Period 2: qdlmfa8

Period 4: qbbks7

Period 5: pqz19d

Period 6: dxuv4r2




Class Reading List English I Honors

Mythology- Edith Hamilton

Romeo and Juliet- William Shakespeare 

Anthem- Ayn Rand

Fairy Tales and Fables- Oscar Wilde

Sherlock Holmes Short Stories- Arthur Conan Doyle

To Kill A Mockingbird- Harper Lee

** Other selected poems and stories



Click on the book to be taken to  the AP reading list. 



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